Friday, January 23, 2009

That means youll able catch this weeks

Meeting with President-elect Barack Obama in Chicago yesterday, Obama at lunch surprised him yesterday with cupcakes and led the staff in singing him happy birthday. That means youll be able to catch this weeks ep of Stargate Atlanti, with guest stars Dave Foley, Bill Nye the Science Guy and astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. Wrapped up warm against the winter chill, Melanie Chisholm was spotted chatting on the phone with a friend on Tuesday in West London. They have to show me in bank statements, Ann Loughridge Kerr, the lawyer for Hulk Hogan told the Tampa Bay Tribune. coms Top Fresh Face is also adding songwriter and producer to his list of jobs as he works with American Idol alumni David Hernandez on his upcoming debut album. Jose Bento Monteiro Lobatos `` O Presidente Negro (``The Black President) tells the story of Jim Roy, a brilliant and charismatic leader who is elected Americas first black president in the year 2228.

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